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Wohl, S. (2022, 2 June). LINKS. Retrieved from

LINKS was updated June 2nd, 2022.

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In Depth: LINKS

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This is a list of People that LINKS is related to.

This is a list of Terms that LINKS is related to.

For a system to adapt, it needs to have variables to adjust.

See also: Requisite Variety

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Related to the idea of Iterations that accumulate over time

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CAS Systems develop order or pattern ‘for free’: this means that order arises as a result of independent agent behaviors, without need for other inputs.

Text in progress Learn more →

A notion that describes the ability of an intervention to quickly test whether or not it is 'fit', without expending unnecessary energy

Relates to {{tactical-urbanism}} Learn more →

The quantity and breadth of a system's adaptive potential is its 'requisite variety'.

In order for a complex system to adapt, it needs to contain agents that have the capacity to behave in different ways - to enact adaptation you need adaptable things. Learn more →

Agents in the CAS constantly adjust their possible behaviors to inputs - maintaining fitness over time.

CAS systems evolve over the course of time.

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Cybernetics is the study of systems that self-regulate: Adjusting their own performance to keep aligned with a pre-determined outcome, using processes of negative-feedback to help self-correct.

The word Cybernetics comes from the Greek 'Kybernetes', meaning 'steersman' or 'oarsman'. It is the etymological root of the English 'Governor'. Cybernetics is related to an interest in dynamics that lead to internal rather than external governing.

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The notion of 'Affordances' was developed by James Gibson. It has many strong similarities to the concept of 'phase space'.

Relates to how {{Landscape-Urbanism}} positions complexity thinking Learn more →

This is a collection of books, websites, and videos related to LINKS

This is a list of Urban Fields that LINKS is related to.

Cellular Automata & Agent-Based Models offer city simulations whose behaviors we learn from. What are the strengths & weaknesses of this mode of engaging urban complexity?

There is a large body of research that employs computational techniques - in particular agent based modeling (ABM) and cellular automata (CA) to understand complex urban dynamics. This strategy looks at how rule based systems yield emergent structures.

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Many cities around the world self-build without top-down control. What do these processes have in common with complexity?

Cities around the world are growing without the capacity for top-down control. Informal urbanism is an example of bottom-up processes that shape the city. Can these processes be harnessed in ways that make them more effective and productive?

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Landscape Urbanists are interested in adaptation, processes, and flows: with their work often drawing from the lexicon of complexity sciences.

A large body of contemporary landscape design thinking tries to understand how designs can be less about making things, and more about stewarding processes that create a 'fit' between the intervention and the context. Landscape Urbanists advancing these techniques draw concepts and vocabulary from complex adaptive systems theory.

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Cities traditionally evolved over time,  shifting to meet user needs. How might complexity theory help us  emulate such processes to generate 'fit' cities?

This branch of Urban Thinking consider how the nature of the morphologic characteristics of the built environment factors into its ability to evolve over time. Here, we study the ways in which the built fabric can be designed to support incremental evolution

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This is a list of Key Concepts that LINKS is related to.

Feedback loops occur in system where an environmental input guides system behavior, but the system behavior (the output), in turn alters the environmental context.

This coupling between input affecting output - thereby affecting input - creates unique dynamics and interdependencies between the two.

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Cybernetics is the study of systems that self-regulate: Adjusting their own performance to keep aligned with a pre-determined outcome, using processes of negative-feedback to help self-correct.

The word Cybernetics comes from the Greek 'Kybernetes', meaning 'steersman' or 'oarsman'. It is the etymological root of the English 'Governor'. Cybernetics is related to an interest in dynamics that lead to internal rather than external governing.

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There would be some thought experiments here.

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Test Data
Related (this page): LINK: Wired Magazine (302), 
Related (same section): 
Related (all): Urban Modeling (11, fields), Resilient Urbanism (14, fields), Relational Geography (19, fields), Landscape Urbanism (15, fields), Evolutionary Geography (12, fields), Communicative Planning (18, fields), Assemblage Geography (20, fields), Tipping Points (218, concepts), Path Dependency (93, concepts), Far From Equilibrium (212, concepts), 
Nested Orders
Related (same section): 
Related (all): Urban Modeling (11, fields), Urban Informalities (16, fields), Resilient Urbanism (14, fields), Self-Organized Criticality (64, concepts), Scale-Free (217, concepts), Power Laws (66, concepts), 
Related (same section): 
Related (all): Urban Modeling (11, fields), Urban Informalities (16, fields), Urban Datascapes (28, fields), Incremental Urbanism (13, fields), Evolutionary Geography (12, fields), Communicative Planning (18, fields), Assemblage Geography (20, fields), Self-Organization (214, concepts), Fitness (59, concepts), Attractor States (72, concepts), 
Driving Flows
Related (same section): 
Related (all): Urban Datascapes (28, fields), Tactical Urbanism (17, fields), Relational Geography (19, fields), Parametric Urbanism (10, fields), Landscape Urbanism (15, fields), Evolutionary Geography (12, fields), Communicative Planning (18, fields), Assemblage Geography (20, fields), Open / Dissipative (84, concepts), Networks (75, concepts), Information (73, concepts), 
Bottom-up Agents
Related (same section): 
Related (all): Urban Modeling (11, fields), Urban Informalities (16, fields), Resilient Urbanism (14, fields), Parametric Urbanism (10, fields), Incremental Urbanism (13, fields), Evolutionary Geography (12, fields), Communicative Planning (18, fields), Rules (213, concepts), Iterations (56, concepts), 
Adaptive Capacity
Related (same section): 
Related (all): Urban Modeling (11, fields), Urban Informalities (16, fields), Tactical Urbanism (17, fields), Parametric Urbanism (10, fields), Landscape Urbanism (15, fields), Incremental Urbanism (13, fields), Evolutionary Geography (12, fields), Feedback (88, concepts), Degrees of Freedom (78, concepts),