Diagram: Unfolding Interactions

Unfolding Interactions

Related to the idea of Iterations that accumulate over time

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Toss a pebble in a pond and watch the ripples of water expand outwards; tip a domino over and watch it's effect ripple through the pile; drop a match in a forest and see the fire jump from tree to tree. In each of these examples we have long chains of causal links that can ripple through a system. Complex systems seem to tune this links in particular ways, so that a system can both spread signals across many agents distributed in space, but also limit their extent to exert too strong a control (see also Self-Organized Criticality). If a pheromone is a steering signal in a complex system, that helps the colony to find food, then we want that signal to gather enough agents to profit from the resource, but not so much that the colony ceases to explore other options too soon.

We can think of interactions unfolding in time, in space, or both. What is important is that these unfoldings always begin in localized ways, which can either propogate Positive Feedback or be dampened Negative Feedback.   


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Wohl, S. (2022, 8 June). Unfolding Interactions. Retrieved from https://kapalicarsi.wittmeyer.io/definition/patterns-of-interactions

Unfolding Interactions was updated June 8th, 2022.

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