Diagram: Charles Waldheim

Charles Waldheim

Landscape Urbanism

Charles Waldheim is a Canadian-American architect and urbanist, and currently a professor of Landscape Architecture at Harvard University.

Waldheim studied at the University of Pennsylvania, and advanced to associate dean at the University of Toronto. He is an accomplished author, writing about landscape, ecology, and urbanism. In his writings, he examines designed spaces in order to better understand the potential of a space. His theories tend to center around the idea of open scaffolding, and how a space can be shaped and changed by the user group. Waldhiem also believes that all of these landscape architectureprojects are informed and so deeply connected to the whole ecosystem the project is situated in, including past, present, and future, cultural and societal economies.

Waldheim’s work is primarily examining the work of others. His books tend to use many examples and case study projects in order to clarify his points. Most of what his research is in, is yet to have any built projects that truly embrace and embody the principles of Landscape Urbanism. He is one of the leading theorists and researchers of the subject, since the birth of the idea at an early Landscape Urbanism conference sponsored by the Graham Foundation in. Chicago in April 1997. An excellent example is the Landscape Urbanism reader, where he brings together writings from various authors, strung together by these interconnected themes.

Waldheim is particularly interested in the interplay of landscape and urban planning. He theorized that designers can create the possibility for emerging city-scapes, similar to the changes of an ecosystem, to achieve and adjust to a successful city plan. Further information can be found within Waldheim’s numerous books about landscape urbanism, and recorded lectures online.

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Text adapted from a contribution by Julie Nichols, Iowa State University, 2021


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Wohl, S. (2022, 18 May). Charles Waldheim. Retrieved from

Charles Waldheim was updated May 18th, 2022.

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  • There would be some thought experiments here.