We continue by telling people that they can look into the history and learn more about the cartograph. History
Governing FeaturesMaybe a single sentence on the principles with a link to its page. Governing Feature
Urbanism Through the Lens of Complexitywe continue with the shortest intro to the urban fields. Urbanism
Quickly dive into complexity theory and how it can work with urbanism fields through search.
Relates to {{Assemblage-Geography}}
All points are interconnected and interdependent, unfolding in a nonlinear manner with no central source of authority.
Early versions of systems theory assumed that systems could be 'optimized' to a single condition. CAS analysis assumes that more than one system state can satisfy optimizing criteria, and so the system is able to gravitate to multiple equilibria.
This is relevant to the field of Relational Geography
An enslaved state can persist as an attractor (see Attractor States) within a Fitness Landscape.
Beyond its day-to-day usage, this term used in now employed in the social sciences to highlight the Path Dependency exhibited in many social systems. This is seen to contrast with prior conceptions like "the march of history", which imply a clear causal structure. By speaking about the work as something contingent, it also begs the question of what other "worlds" might have just as equally manifested, had things been slightly different.
Similar ideas are captured in the ideas of Non-Linearity, {{sensitivity-to-initial-conditions}}, History Matters.
Pictured below: the contingent trajectory of the double pendulum:
See also: Causal loop diagram - Wikipedia
In geography there has been a move away from thinking about space as a "thing" and to instead think about how different places exist due to how they interact with flows. Places that capture more flows, are more geographically relevant
The nature of a building block varies according to the system: it may take the form of an ant, a cell, a neuron or a building.
Complex Adaptive Systems theory provides a useful lens with which to understand various phenomena. Keep reading about Complexity
Well this is some nice and text to help us with whatever this should be. Keep reading about Urbanism
Urban FieldsWe continue by telling people that they can look into the history and learn more about the cartograph. People
TermsMaybe a single sentence on the principles with a link to its page. Terms
Navigating Complexity brings in a wealth of resources and related content associated to the topics and terms. You can see all of them sorted by type.
The site features a system for the submission and evaluation of explanatory diagrams relating to a variety of CAS topics.
Crowdsourcing Diagrams
A new way to explore the content in an interactive dashboard of all topics in this site.
Complexity Explorer
Navigating Complexity is a platform for learning about complex adaptive systems and how they apply to the built environment.
The AuthorSharon has been involved in complexity research for over 20 years, and is the developer of the overall website content and content structure. Learn more about Sharon
Site StewardsSpecific components of the site are generously managed by a Site Stewards, working to keep the content fresh and accurate. Site Stewards
Nonlinear Dynamics & Chaos
Follow along with the course eBook: https://systemsinnovation.io/books/ Take the full course: https://systemsinnovation.io/courses/ Twitter: http://bit.ly/2JuNmXX LinkedIn: http://bit.ly/2YCP2U6 For many centuries the idea prevailed that if a system was governed by simple rules that were deterministic then with sufficient information and computation power we would be able to fully describe and predict its future trajectory, the revolution of chaos theory in the latter half of the 20th century put an end to this assumption showing how simple rules could, in fact, lead to complex behavior.
Giant Ant Hill Excavated
From: Ants! Natures Secret Power A giant ant colony is pumped full of concrete, then excavated to reveal the complexity of its inner structure.
Waddington I
In this short animation we take the original idea of the 'epigenetic landscape' by CH Waddington and put it into motion, as he probably conceived it in his mind. Waddington saw cells as pebbles rolling down a mountain with hills and valleys. The bottom of the valleys represents cell or differentiation states.
The Pattern in Nature's Networks
Science shows it's a small world after all-and nature's networks follow a similar pattern. NOVA Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NOVAonline NOVA Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/novapbs Follow Mark Zastrow on Twitter: @MarkZastrow PRODUCTION CREDITS Writer, Producer, and Narrator Mark Zastrow Music by Mark Zastrow Editorial Help from Anna Rothschild Original Footage © WGBH Educational Foundation 2014 MEDIA CREDITS Mississippi River watershed National Park Service Diffusion tensor images Human Connectome Project, NIH, Massachusetts General Hospital, Meredith Reid (University of Alabama--Birmingham) Neurons, In Vitro Color!
The Logic of Life: Racial segregation
The Logic of Life: Racial segregation and Thomas Schelling's chessboard model. Explained by Tim Harford
reaction diffusion labyrinth 2
Pattern formation in a Gray Scott reaction-diffusion system. Java-applet : http://www.joakimlinde.se/java/ReactionDiffusion/index.php
Jacqueline Tellinga : On Politics, Building and Almere
International New Town Institute conference New Towns & Politics Friday 12 november 2010, Library Almere With the fourth INTI conference, New Towns & Politics, we wish to explore thoughts, analyses, projects, designs and political actions pertaining to the political dimension of New Towns, old and new. http://www.newtowninstitute.org
John Bonner's slime mold movies
Biology Professor Emeritus John Bonner's microscope films show the curiously collective nature of slime molds. Read more: http://www.princeton.edu/main/news/archive/S26/40/89S11/?section=featured
Inside the ant colony - Deborah M. Gordon
View full lesson: http://ed.ted.com/lessons/inside-the-ant-colony-deborah-m-gordon Ants have one of the most complex social organizations in the animal kingdom; they live in structured colonies that contain different types of members who perform specific roles. Sound familiar? Deborah M. Gordon explains the way these incredible creatures mate, communicate and source food, shedding light on how their actions can mimic and inform our own behavior.
Slime Mould outperforming Humans
Remarkable experiment showing the capability of slime moulds to form networks more effectively than us humans From the documentary - the science of decay
From "Growing Artificial Societies: Social Science from the Bottom Up," by Joshua M. Epstein and Robert Axtell, The Brookings Institution Press/MIT Press, 1996.
Stephen Wolfram: Computing a theory of all knowledge
Stephen Wolfram, creator of Mathematica, talks about his quest to make all knowledge computational -- able to be searched, processed and manipulated. His new search engine, Wolfram Alpha, has no lesser goal than to model and explain the physics underlying the universe.
Game Of Life - John Conway
Also known simply as Life, is a cellular automaton devised by the British mathematician John Horton Conway in 1970. It is the best-known example of a cellular automaton. Software from: http://www.bitstorm.org/gameoflife/
Stephen Hawkings The Meaning of Life (John Conway's Game of Life segment)
Watch the video to see a demonstration of simple rules generating complex, emergent patterns!
Jacqueline Tellinga : On Politics, Building and Almere
International New Town Institute conference New Towns & Politics Friday 12 november 2010, Library Almere With the fourth INTI conference, New Towns & Politics, we wish to explore thoughts, analyses, projects, designs and political actions pertaining to the political dimension of New Towns, old and new. http://www.newtowninstitute.org
Reinventing Society in the Digital Age - Dirk Helbing
This talk took place on May 9, 2017 as part of the Complexity Science Hub Vienna workshop series "RE-INVENTING SOCIETY IN THE DIGITAL AGE". The program for the event can be found at https://goo.gl/cloqsb.
MVRDV: Freeland
Freeland, developed by MVRDV and The Why Factory for the Venice Architecture Biennale 2012 'Common Ground', explores the prospects of complete liberation of urban planning. (Animation by SYNPLE). While not making a specific connection to Complexity thinking, it is a good example of the potential power of bottom-up self-organizing cities.
Benard Rolls
This video shows the emergence of Benard Convection rolls: a classic example of an emergent phenomena that also is subject to a system bifurcation. The direction of the rolls move is subject to a bifurcation point in the system - with an equal probability that the rolls move in one vs the opposite direction. The actual direction the rolls move cannot be predicted and is part of the non-linearity of the system.
MVRDV - Almere Oosterwold
DIY - Urbanism: A development strategy for Almere Oosterwold, titled 'Estate for Initiatives' is a revolution in Dutch urban planning as it steps away from governmental dictate and invites organic urban growth in which initiatives are stimulated and inhabitants can create their own neighbourhoods including public green, urban agriculture and roads."
Masters of Networks 3: online communities
Network scientists and online community managers come together to investigate the secrets of online collaboration
The complexity of the ant world
This amazing video shows how the ants are able to build a complex structure in the absence of top-down control. The manner in which this can occur is part of what is studied in Complex Adaptive Systems Theory
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Fill in all boxes here, each piece of information has a role in making pages, links, and visualizations in the site work well.
Fill in all boxes here, each piece of information has a role in making pages, links, and visualizations in the site work well.
Fill in all boxes here, each piece of information has a role in making pages, links, and visualizations in the site work well.
Fill in all boxes here, each piece of information has a role in making pages, links, and visualizations in the site work well.
Fill in all boxes here, each piece of information has a role in making pages, links, and visualizations in the site work well.