Diagram: Eric Bonabeau

Eric Bonabeau


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Dr. Eric Bonabeau holds a Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics and has written many papers and several books about complex adaptive systems.
Bonabeau found inspiration and research possibilities in nature, particularly insects. By observing these colony organized insects, he and fellow researchers were able to understand their communication systems, and their ability to be efficient. For instance, ants leave pheromone trails to lead other ants to food, they leave signals for others in their environment, a form of Stigmergy. By working together, and leaving markers, the ants are able to create a short and efficient path between the colony and the food.

Bonabeau was able to leverage these findings to propose a more individualized technological experience. As the average internet user of today can tell you, if you search for a toaster on the internet, you will start getting ads on other websites and apps about toasters. Your online experience becomes more personalized to you, by leaving and giving hints about the type of content you want to see, or at least what an algorithm thinks you want to see.

Bonabeau sees this type of information tracking to be the future, and apply it to more than just “smart” technologies. He has even gone so far as to speculate microchipping a head of lettuce to gather information and communicate with other objects. This would open up an entire new approach for humans to live and interact with their environment.

Text adapted from a contribution by Julie Nichols, Iowa State University, 2021


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Wohl, S. (2022, 18 May). Eric Bonabeau. Retrieved from

Eric Bonabeau was updated May 18th, 2022.

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