Governing Features
Key Concepts
Diagram: Self-Organized Criticality

Self-Organized Criticality

CAS tend to organize to a 'critical state' where, regardless of the scale of a given input, the scale of corresponding output observes of a power-law distribution.

Strike a match and drop it in the forest. How big will the resulting fire be? The forest is dry but not overly so... vegetation is relatively thick. Will the fire burn a few trees and then flame out, or will it jump from branch to branch, burning thousands of acres to the ground?

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Santa Fe Institute; Fitness Landscape

Major complexity theorist associated with the Sante Fe institute, developed idea of a Fitness Landscape

Read more and see related content for Stuart Kauffman →

Scaling | Criticality | Power Laws

'Fingerprint of complexity'  extraction plunger pot, bar single shot froth eu shop latte et, chicory, steamed seasonal grounds dark organic.

Read more and see related content for Ricard Solé →

Self-Organized Criticality

This is a default subtitle for this page. Read more and see related content for Per Bak →
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  • This is a list of Terms that Self-Organized Criticality is related to.

    Complex systems do not follow linear, predictable chains of cause and effect. Instead, system trajectories can diverge into wildly different regimes. The moment when a complex system move from one trajectory to another is known as a system bifurcation.

    This feature of complex systems means that the behavior of a system cannot be known in advance, but instead needs to be enacted in time. Read more and see related content for Bifurcations →
  • See all Terms
  • There would be some thought experiments here.