Diagram: Watts & Strogatz

Watts & Strogatz

Network Topology

Coined the phrase 'small world networks', popularized in the idea of 'six degrees of separation' (as well as 'six degrees of Kevin Bacon)

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Duncan Watts and Steve Strogatz help demonstrate how certain network structures allow information to spread more quickly and effectively - so resources or flows disperse throughout the network despite all agents (or actors) not being directly connected.</i>

Earlier work by Milgram 1967 experiment (small world - six degrees)


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Wohl, S. (2022, 20 May). Watts & Strogatz. Retrieved from

Watts & Strogatz was updated May 20th, 2022.

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The Pattern in Nature's Networks

Science shows it's a small world after all-and nature's networks follow a similar pattern. NOVA Facebook: NOVA Twitter: Follow Mark Zastrow on Twitter: @MarkZastrow PRODUCTION CREDITS Writer, Producer, and Narrator Mark Zastrow Music by Mark Zastrow Editorial Help from Anna Rothschild Original Footage © WGBH Educational Foundation 2014 MEDIA CREDITS Mississippi River watershed National Park Service Diffusion tensor images Human Connectome Project, NIH, Massachusetts General Hospital, Meredith Reid (University of Alabama--Birmingham) Neurons, In Vitro Color!

Nonlinear dynamics and chaos : with applications to physics, biology, chemistry, and engineering (Book, 2015) []

Get this from a library! Nonlinear dynamics and chaos : with applications to physics, biology, chemistry, and engineering. [Steven Henry Strogatz]

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