Diagram: Negative Feedback

Negative Feedback

Negative Feedback is the tendency for systems to employ mechanisms whereby any fluctuations from a particular behavior or trajectory are 'dampened'; that is to say, divergence from a norm is hindered.

Negative Feedback is described in more detail on the more general Feedback page.

Negative feedback in systems was studied by early systems thinkers interested in Cybernetics, and how systems can remain stable regardless of fluctuations within the environment. 

The significance of this stability is its relationship to living organisms, which have the ability to preserve their own system integrity even as the environment around them fluctuates. This is the principle of Homeostasis, which seems so normal that we can take for granted how extraordinary it truly is. 


Cite this page:

Wohl, S. (2022, 2 June). Negative Feedback. Retrieved from https://kapalicarsi.wittmeyer.io/definition/negative-feedback

Negative Feedback was updated June 2nd, 2022.

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