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Diagram: Attractor States

Attractor States

Complex Systems can unfold in multiple trajectories. However, there may be trajectories that are more stable or 'fit'. Such states are considered 'attractor states'.

Complex Adaptive Systems do not obey predictable, linear trajectories. They are "Sensitive to Initial Conditions", such that small changes in these conditions can lead the system to unfold in unexpected ways. That said, in some systems, particular 'potential unfoldings' are more likely to occur than others. We can think of these as 'attractor states' to which a system will tend to gravitate.

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Slime Mould outperforming Humans

Remarkable experiment showing the capability of slime moulds to form networks more effectively than us humans From the documentary - the science of decay

This is a list of People that Attractor States is related to.

Santa Fe Institute; Fitness Landscape

Major complexity theorist associated with the Sante Fe institute, developed idea of a Fitness Landscape

Read more and see related content for Stuart Kauffman →

Synergetics | Enslaved States

Haken popularized the concepts of Enslaved States and 'synergetics'. The notion of 'enslavement' is similar to the idea of Attractor States, wherein a system will tend to gravitate towards a particular regime and then remain in that state unless there is a system Perturbation.

Read more and see related content for Hermann Haken →
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  • This is a list of Terms that Attractor States is related to.

    The idea that systems can have more than one stable state.

    Early versions of systems theory assumed that systems could be 'optimized' to a single condition. CAS analysis assumes that more than one system state can satisfy optimizing criteria, and so the system is able to gravitate to multiple equilibria.

    Read more and see related content for Multiple Equilibria →

    A regime of particular fitness that an agent can occupy.

    Fitness ‘peaks’ are regimes wherein a given agent behavior maximizes energetic returns while minimizing outputs. Peaks are thus optimum behaviors in phase space - though there may be numerous peaks, each employing different strategies. See also {{Fitness-Landscape}} Read more and see related content for Fitness Peaks →

    Emergent states often constrain  the agents that initially formed that state.

    An enslaved state can persist as an attractor (see Attractor States) within a Fitness Landscape.

    Read more and see related content for Enslaved States →
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  • There would be some thought experiments here.