Diagram: Multiple Equilibria

Multiple Equilibria

The idea that systems can have more than one stable state.

Early versions of systems theory assumed that systems could be 'optimized' to a single condition. CAS analysis assumes that more than one system state can satisfy optimizing criteria, and so the system is able to gravitate to multiple equilibria.

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Wohl, S. (2022, 9 June). Multiple Equilibria. Retrieved from https://kapalicarsi.wittmeyer.io/definition/multiple-equilibria

Multiple Equilibria was updated June 9th, 2022.

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    Complex systems do not follow linear, predictable chains of cause and effect. Instead, system trajectories can diverge into wildly different regimes. The moment when a complex system move from one trajectory to another is known as a system bifurcation.

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  • There would be some thought experiments here.