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The people behind the scenes

and generous support for this site!

Site Developer

Dr. Sharon Wohl is responsible for conceiving and developing the Navigating Complexity Website. Wohl is an Associate Professor at Iowa State University, where she teaches in the department of Architecture. She holds a PhD in Spatial Planning and Strategy from TU Delft in the Netherlands. Dr. Wohl has been involved in complexity research for over 20 years. Her research focuses on the dynamics of Complex Adaptive Systems, and how the understanding of these dynamics can inform urban design theory and related topics. Dr. Wohl has written all entries on the website unless otherwise specified, and designed the graphic layout.

Site Stewards

Specific components of the site are generously managed by a number of stewards who work to keep the content fresh and accurate. Please see the list for more information.

Website Interface

The website interface has been coded and is managed, by Sean Wittmeyer. Sean is an  Architect, Complexity aficionado, and Code guru. Sean first encountered complexity while a student at Iowa State University, in a course on complexity by Sharon Wohl. Subsequently, Sean became an ongoing collaborator on the navigating complexity website.  If you encounter any functional glitches navigating the site, please reach out to Sean.  More information about Sean can be found on his website:

Student Submissions

Some of the entries for this website are based on submissions provided by students at Iowa State University who have taken my Arch 522 course on Complex Adaptive Systems and Cities. Where this is the case, student sources are credited as the initial source material. In many cases these entries have subsequently been edited for greater clarity. Students were also responsible for a number of the supportive graphics seen as icons on the website. I am deeply appreciative of having had the opportunity to work with so many talented students at Iowa State who have been so supportive of this project.


This site has been made possible through the ongoing support of Iowa State University. The site was developed through a research fellowship provided by the Institute of Advance Studies (IAS), University of Amsterdam. Research leading to the development of the website content was undertaken while pursing a Doctorate in Spatial Planning and Strategy at the TU Delft.



Photo Credit and Caption: Credit: sam_moghadam_khamseh_d1svyyw_9_s_unsplash

Cite this page:

Wohl, S. (2022, 1 June). The people behind the scenes. Retrieved from

The people behind the scenes was updated June 1st, 2022.

Nothing over here yet

In Depth: The people behind the scenes

This is the feed, a series of related links and resources. Add a link to the feed →

Nothing in the feed...yet.

This is a list of People that The people behind the scenes is related to.

This is a list of Terms that The people behind the scenes is related to.

This is a collection of books, websites, and videos related to The people behind the scenes

This is a list of Urban Fields that The people behind the scenes is related to.

This is a list of Key Concepts that The people behind the scenes is related to.

There would be some thought experiments here.

Navigating Complexity © 2015-2024 Sharon Wohl, all rights reserved. Developed by Sean Wittmeyer
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Test Data
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Adaptive Capacity
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Related (all): Urban Modeling (11, fields), Urban Informalities (16, fields), Tactical Urbanism (17, fields), Parametric Urbanism (10, fields), Landscape Urbanism (15, fields), Incremental Urbanism (13, fields), Evolutionary Geography (12, fields), Feedback (88, concepts), Degrees of Freedom (78, concepts),