Diagram: Video: Sugarscape

Video: Sugarscape

Epstein and Axtell model

Sugarscape is considered to be the first large scale agent-based model

The model takes place on a lattice composed of cells that are considered as a differentiated environment. Within this environment, certain cells  contain "sugar" while others do not. The amount of sugar at each cell varies, and as sugar is depleted it will  be replenished at a particular rate.

  • Agents move upon the lattice seeking out sugar as a resource, but with a limited range of cells they can choose to occupy or exploit within their 'view',
  • Agents have a metabolic rate at which they 'burn' off  absorbed sugar,
  • Agents have a limited lifespan (number of iterative moves it is capable of performing before die-off and replacement).

Using variables within these parameters, the sugar scape model is able to depict very interesting emergent dynamics.


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Wohl, S. (2022, 13 June). Video: Sugarscape. Retrieved from https://kapalicarsi.wittmeyer.io/definition/video-sugarscape-1

Video: Sugarscape was updated June 13th, 2022.

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